Holy Cow! I can't believe I am officially in the second trimester! The past three months went by pretty quickly. So far I have gained less than 5 pounds (which is good because I don't think you're supposed to gain anything in the first trimester). I am, however, wearing maternity pants. I stopped fitting into my pre-pregnancy pants almost a month ago!
BabyCenter.com says that my baby is about 3 inches long now and he/she actually has fingerprints!!! Here's the picture they show for the size comparison.... Really? A SHRIMP? Couldn't they have chosen something cuter?
Anyhow, things are still going well. My next appointment is in 9 days and couldn't come sooner! I can not wait to see what my baby looks like now.
Here's to a happy & healthy 27 more weeks!
Shrimp are cute.........if that beady eyed, pointy. hairy thing on the front is gone. Congratulations, Jessie, and Kevin too. I am happy for you both. Ron