
Four Months Old

Lea is 4 months old! Here's what she's up to these days...

  • She is getting good at grabbing toys and bringing them to her mouth to chew on. She also chews on her first two fingers - all the time!

  • She has rolled over from her belly to her back (but only during 'naked time' after her baths!) and rolls to her side from her back all the time.

  • Her exersaucer is becoming a favorite toy as she finds something new on it every day.

  • She loves books! We read to her every night. She smiles and watches the pages turn... and often tries to turn them herself.

  • Her favorite new 'trick' is blowing 'raspberries' and spit bubbles. She'll do it for so long that her chin and shirt become soaked in slobber!

  • She is discovering her feet!

  • She is very close to making the "buh" sound.

I have some really cute videos from our new Canon Vixia video camera, however the file type doesn't seem to want to load in blogger. I'll figure it out soon so I can share them with you. :)

Lea and I have started a Mom & Baby Yoga class on Friday mornings. It's very interesting! The oldest baby is 6 months old. Anything goes during the class... one mom could be nursing or changing a diaper while another might be trying to calm her fussy baby. Honestly, the babies (about 6 total) were very happy. Lea enjoyed it so much, she fell asleep!

Her four month well check is next week. We're looking forward to finding out just how much she is growing. (she's getting so big!)

On a side note, be sure to check out my blog post on our company blog, INK by Scandinavian Child.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - trying uploading your videos to YouTube. You can then use the embedding code they provide and copy paste into your blog post. That's what I do!


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