Our little peanut had her one month well check. The pediatrician said she's perfect! She weighs 9 lbs 5oz and is 22 inches long (that's the 50th percentile and 75th percentile respectively). Her head circumference is in the 50th percentile... Lea's was always in the 25th!
We're still having a little difficulty with her reflux. She has the same issues that Lea had... she doesn't spit up a lot; it's more like heartburn for her. After nursing for about 10 minutes, she screams, arches her back and makes a little squeaking noise in the back of her throat. She is only happy if she's completely upright. So, we tried infant Zantac... that didn't help. Now we are trying infant Prilosec... I'm praying it will start to help any day now. While she has been gaining weight, it's a slow gain. We need her to start feeling better so she can eat more and gain more weight.
Lea is doing fabulous with Emma. Seriously... she is so gentle and sweet with her. She loves to help, especially with giving Emma a bath! Emma has started smiling a bit, too. Lea is on cloud 9 when Emma smiles at her!
We've been busy the past couple of weeks. My brother and sister-in-law just moved here from New Mexico so we're looking forward to seeing a lot more of them. We've had some fun family outings and Lea had her first dentist appointment. She did
fabulous. She let the dental hygienist brush her teeth, scrape them a little and paint on a fluoride treatment. Then, the dentist checked all her teeth and said they look great. :)
Lea helping give Emma a bath. |
My girls! |
"Roller coaster" fun with mommy! |
She loved the spinning barrel with daddy! |
Dinosaurs at the museum. |
Ready for her check up! |
Hanging out with Emma. |
You are a lucky momma! We miss you guys.