We had a great Halloween. Lea had a blast dressing up as Pippi Longstocking (all week!) and trick-or-treating. She wore her costume to dance class, story time at the library, preschool and a local festival... not to mention on actual Halloween! I finally perfected her Pippi pig tails just in time for trick-or-treating. :)
Emma was adorable, too. She was a cat, baby skeleton, a Winnie the Pooh flower and a giraffe (the giraffe was Lea's costume a couple years ago).
Lea really, REALLY enjoyed trick-or-treating. As she walked up to one of the first houses, she looked back at me from the steps and said, "I OK, mommy. You stay here. I not scared." What?! What ever happened to "hold my hand, mommy"?! She liked looking for houses that had a porch light on, because I explained that those were the only houses we could visit. And, if she really liked the person/candy at a house, she would say "That was a good trick-or-treater!!" as we walked away. She even liked a few so much that she asked to go back to them, again! After an hour of walking in the cold, Kevin took Emma and Bailey back to the house. I went with Lea to a few more houses and then convinced her to head home. We sat on the front steps and handed out candy before going inside and sorting through Lea's loot.
Here are some pics from our adventures...
Carving a pumpkin with Aunt Sarah. |
Meow! |
Outdoor Halloween story time at our library. |
Emma was SO mad about sitting in the grass! |
Lea loves to climb in this tree in our back yard. |
Pippi Longstocking (notice I haven't perfected the pig tails, yet) |
Baby Giraffe |
My girls! |
Pippi Longstocking! (now those are Pippi pig tails!) |
Winnie the Pooh flower head! |
Pippi, ready to go trick-or-treating! |
Ringing the bell by herself...per her request. |
Going through her candy. |
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