I am halfway through my pregnancy! Baby girl Thomas is getting big, too. It's estimated that she now weighs 10 or more ounces. Up until this point, her length has been measured from head to rump because her legs have been curled up tight. But now, she will be measured from head to heel... she is probably about 10 inches from head to heel!

I am feeling great! We had a busy weekend... Kevin was home most of the time finishing a project for school (Spring semester is almost over!) and I spent time with some girlfriends. Yesterday, we started painting the wood trim and doors in the nursery. It's amazing how much "cleaner" it looks in there now! All that's left is the baseboards. I ordered the adorable window valances last week so those should be coming soon. I can't wait to get them up!
My next doctor's appointment is this Thursday. I will probably get another ultrasound since it's my 20 week check up. I am so anxious to see what my baby girl looks like now! She is still just as active as always. It will be interesting when she is kicking and punching hard enough to keep me awake at night.
Just wanted you to know that I'm keeping up with you and thinking of you, Kevin, and baby girl Thomas!!
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