Lea is well over 15 inches long and almost 3 pounds now. Her eyesight is still developing (she can now distinguish between light and dark) as she continues to put on more weight.

Up until this week, I really didn't have any complaints and was feeling pretty darn good. Recently, though, this pregnancy is starting to take a physical toll on me... I have some minor, lower back aches, I am becoming increasingly 'unstable' and clumsy, my legs, feet & ankles are swollen and sore, but worst of all is the pain in my right hip. I have actually succumbed to sleeping on the sofa the past couple nights (and will probably continue to do so) because it seems to help my hip and my breathing being in a semi-upright position. Honestly, though... I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not trying to complain! I just want to explain what is happening with me these days. :)
On a lighter note, I think my 'nesting' instinct has officially kicked in! Yesterday, we spent the day cleaning around the house (which is typical for a Sunday at the Thomas household), however this time it involved vacuuming the blinds and pillows! I am also washing Lea's clothes, bibs, towels & blankets and getting her closet organized. It's amazing how many clothes we have for her, already. I keep thinking how nice it will be when she's here, though... we won't have to do laundry every single day for awhile! I am really enjoying organizing her stuff. I just try to imaging what she'll look like in her little outfits!
Wow- 30 weeks!!! You're on the home stretch, girly! Super exciting. That nesting instinct is something- I remember scrubbing floors and vacuuming couches for hours on end. Not so fun when you have a big belly getting in the way- but I felt unsatisfied if I didn't do it. Lea is going to be so beautiful. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you both. :)