My doctor has already confirmed (twice) that she is head down. It's very unlikely that she will turn upright in the next few weeks, so I don't have to worry about her being breech. Last week, I believe I had a few Braxton Hick's contractions. It was very strange. My entire abdomen (which is pretty big these days) got very tight... so tight that it felt like a brick wall to the touch. It didn't hurt, but was uncomfortable. I haven't felt them since then.
Besides being pretty tired all the time, a sore back and swollen feet/ankles, I am doing well. Kevin and I have been very busy cleaning around the house. Today, we (actually Kevin) cleaned behind the fridge, stove and washer & dryer. We have also cleaned the drapes and ceiling fans in each room. I am sure we'll find something that just HAS to be cleaned next weekend, too! We have one more childbirth class at the hospital. I am glad we signed up for the five week course. We have learned quite a bit, but most importantly we have more confidence now (even though we're both still pretty nervous!).
Last weekend we spent a couple nights at the beach with Kevin's parents, sister and neices & nephew. It was nice to get away and not have any plans for a change. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. They just wanted to stay in the water, which felt wonderful, however the waves were pretty rough. I got plenty of exercise helping to hold them up each time a 'big one' came!

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