
"Say 'Bye, Bye'!"

I am going away, out of town, out of state, across the country... for a week. I am leaving my family... my dog, my husband, my daughter. This will be the very first time I have ever been away from Lea and my heart is not taking it lightly. I am filled with anxiety. I am nervous. I am sad.

While I am away, I know she will be safe with her daddy. I know she will have fun playing with her grandma. But, will she notice I am gone? Will it make her sad that I'm not here? Will she understand that I am coming back?

One promise I can make is that every night, before she goes to bed, I will video Skype with her. I will sing "You Are My Sunshine" to her before bed time just like I do when I am home. Maybe she won't really care that mommy is on the computer screen, but it will sure put my heart a ease a little bit to be able to still see her every day!

I am hoping that this will be harder on me than it will be on her. I can take it. I am prepared to have a lifetime of difficult challenges... that's what I agreed to do when I became a mommy anyway, right?!

I am praying that the trip will fly by and I'll be home, safe and sound, with a beautiful, happy toddler running into my arms when I walk through the door. I will miss my family more than words can express.

On a lighter note, Lea has discovered 'The Necklace'. I found a cheap "pearl" necklace in our Halloween costume stuff and Lea fell in love with it. She immediatley knew what to do with it and pranced around the house like she was the Queen of the world! It was adorable.


  1. I won't lie - a week is tough. I've only done it once, but that was for Korea. I'm sure you aren't going that far! Skype makes all the difference in the world and staying busy does too. I'm sure that won't be a problem!

  2. Having just been through a similar situation, leaving my little one for a few days for the very first time, I can safely say that it will be much harder for you than it will be for her. I didn't video chat for fear that seeing my face, but not having me there, would confuse her but we did talk on the phone which really eased my anxiety. Just hearing her laughing and playing a few times a day made the trip so much easier. The plane ride and first night was the most difficult & the other days I was able to enjoy a little time to myself.

    Time and separation are so different for babies. An hour lasts a day but days fly by like minutes!


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