

My baby big girl has her first day of preschool tomorrow!

I'm feeling a mixture of excitement, nostalgia and proudness. As I nurse baby Emma, I can't help but think about Lea when she was a tiny baby... and now she's an opinionated, energetic preschooler!

I've explained to her that we will leave and come back later to pick her up. We've met her teacher and spent some time in her classroom. Her dress and hair bow is picked out. Her lunch is packed. Daddy is even working from home tomorrow so he can come with us when she gets dropped off.  I don't think we could be any more prepared.

We spent a fun, family day today at a local kids museum. Then we went out for a celebratory dinner. It was a lot of fun!

And, here's my very first attempt at packing a school lunch. I think I did a pretty good job but we'll have to see what comes back after school tomorrow!

Whole wheat rotini with peas, lima beans and home-grown cherry tomatoes, sliced carrots, baby grapes and yogurt covered raisins.

We're proud of you, Lea! Good luck on your new adventure!

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