Lea is still moving all the time and gets the hiccups every single day (at least once or twice a day). Moving around is getting harder (as Kevin has recently commented on my heavy breathing & grunting when I am just slowly moving around the house!). Sleeping is also getting more and more difficult. I just can't get comfortable! And, my last 'complaint' is that my lower back has begun to ache. Honestly, though... I am not complaining! I actually couldn't be happier to have this little miracle growing inside me and I can not wait to meet her & see what she looks like!!!
We are back from our Jordan Lake trip. Saturday was a beautiful day! We spent the majority of tha day on the 'beach'. The weather Sunday wasn't as nice, however. It was overcast and raining off & on all day. So, we spent the day in the motor home reading, playing UNO and watching movies. Each night there (three nights), I had two S'mores! YUM! They were so good! I also are my body weight in watermelon. :)
Here are some pics from our mini vacation:
Bailey enjoying the sun on the beach.

Hooray! Sounds like you had a great time. Your belly is so cute!