Emma is 7 months old now. Hard to believe that she has only been here for seven months... I can not even remember life without her.
She weighs just over 15 lbs (about the 15-20th percentile) so, yes, she is our little peanut! Here are some facts about her now...
- Emma has two teeth already! (the front, center, bottom two teeth) Lea only had two teeth on her first birthday so this seems early to us. I realize it's totally normal. :)
- She still doesn't babble much. She's pretty quiet! (unless she is screaming...which she is v.e.r.y. good at)
- She rolls all over the place.
- She kicks a lot...and hard.
- She pulls her knees up under her and rocks back & forth on her hands.
- Her belly laughs are goofy and infectious. No one makes her laugh as much as Lea!
- She has a great appetite. She has eaten sweet potatoes, peas, apple sauce, pears, green beans, bananas, avocado, peaches, prunes and mango. She's loved all of it...except the green beans!
- She loves puffs and can now pick one up with her fingers. She's still working on getting it into her mouth. Usually she picks it up, gets it TO her mouth but then has trouble actually letting go of it.
- She blows "raspberries" all the time!
She is always chewing on something... her hand, teether, paci or toy. |
Blowing raspberries! |
See those two little teeth?! |
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