Baby girl now has a well developed sense of movement. She weighs over a pound and can hear almost everything now... Bailey barking, Mom & Dad talking, the vacuum, etc.

A week from today I begin my AquaMoms class (prenatal water aerobics). I am looking forward to it! It will be every Tuesday night for 12 weeks... taking me through to the end of August. Perfect timing with my pregnancy and the summer months. Right now, we are gearing up for my brother's wedding (next weekend). I am a bridesmaid so getting a dress was a little bit tricky. We found one that matches the color and neckline of the other girls dresses and I got it a size too big for me at the time. It almost fits perfectly now... just need to get the shoulder straps taken in a bit. I am looking forward to the wedding, seeing my brother and sister-in-law and getting to spend another couple days at the beach!
Have fun at the wedding and beach!