
Five Months Old!

Lea and I celebrated her five month birthday today by taking a nice, cuddly nap together!

I've said it before and I'll probably say it for the rest of my life, Lea amazes me every single day.  She changes so much day to day.  Lately she's dicovered her head... randomly 'hitting' the top of her head as if she's saying, "Hey... there's something up there!"  She's still playing with her feet all the time, too.  My favorite thing these days is just watching her do things.  Every movement is thoughtfully planned and intentional.  For example:  She'll see her pacifier and slowly move her arm towards it, then her fingers will try to grab it (this can take some time).  She'll lean (or roll) slowly in the same direction and her mouth will gently open just when she gets the coveted pacifier in hand.  But it's not over yet... now she must try and get the pacifier into her mouth.  Easier said then done for a five month old!  She usually does get some part of it into her mouth, but usually she ends up with her hand... and she's happy with that (most of the time).

I think Lea is begining to recognize her name.  She'll look over to you when you call her... now, that might be just because she hears a voice, but I think there's more to it than that.  She's becoming more vocal, too.  I've actually heard a "muh" and "buh" sound a couple of times.  Today she did an "oooh" sound, too.  It was very cute!!  We're practicing sitting up on our own.  She does pretty well with just a little bit of support.  Sitting in an upright position is her preferred way to view the world these days.

(Don't let Bailey fool you in this picture... we had to "pose" her and tell her to 'Stay!'. Ever since Lea began reaching and grabing things, such as Bailey's hair, Bailey stays far, far away!)

We're still going to Mommy & Baby Yoga on Friday mornings.  It's a lot of fun for both of us as the other babies in the class are all right around the same age.  They like to watch and listen to eachother.  This Sunday Lea is getting baptised.  I'm looking forward to it as the weather is supposed to be beautiful... unlike the Sunday before when her baptism was snowed out!  I'll have pictures to share for sure.  :)


Grunting for more!

Here's a cute video from tonight's dinner. One of Lea's new 'things' is to grunt (or should I say growl?!). It's hilarious!


Yummy, Rice Cereal!

We started solids this weekend and I am filled with mixed emotions. My baby girl is growing up! Not only that but until this point in her life, she has only had my milk to eat. Now she gets to try new things and her little world is going to grow before her eyes... or should I say, mouth!

We prepared organic rice cereal and got Lea ready in her Svan high chair. After sitting down at the dinner table, Lea knew exactly what to do. She opened her mouth, leaned forward and even tried to grab the spoon. Surprisingly, most of the cereal did stay in her mouth. To say she liked it was an understatement... she devoured it and then squealed for more!

Not only is her life changing drastically, but ours is too. Long gone are the days of having a quick dinner in front of the tv. From now on, we will be preparing dinner together and then eating together at the table. I want Lea to grow up having family dinner time every single night, just as I did growing up. I've always felt that family traditions are important. When I was little, each family member would take a turn at dinner time to share a story about their day. These are the days that we will begin our own family traditions... some may be the same from when we were little but some may be new.

The world is full of possibilities... for little Lea and Mommy & Daddy!


Fun in the Snow!

Lea enjoyed her first snow this weekend. We all bundled up and took a walk in the cold.

She enjoyed it so much, in fact, that she fell asleep! :)