Three Months Old!

Our baby girl is growing up... she's no longer considered a newborn; now she's an infant. She is learning so much every single day. Swatting at hanging toys, smiling at herself in the mirror, pulling things towards her mouth and bringing her hands together to hold onto something. She loves music and lights up when I sing to her. We sing 'You Are My Sunshine', 'The Wheels On the Bus' and even our 'ABC's' (just to name a few!). "Here Comes Santa Claus' is another favorite right now.
Lea is getting big, too. It's hard to tell if you're looking at a Shar Pei or her thighs! (She is now wearing 6 month old clothes!) I LOVE kissing on her belly (and she giggles every time). Her eyes are changing colors and her hair is getting longer (slowly but surely).
It's so amazing to watch how she changes. I pinch myself every day because it's so hard to believe that Kevin and I created such a perfect angel. Just thinking about how lucky we are brings tears of joy to my eyes.
Most Wonderful/Busiest Time of the Year!

I am convinced that Lea is has begun teething. The past week or so, she has really shown an interest in putting things in her mouth. She also loves chewing on soft things (like a burp cloth) and always has her hand in her mouth. Here's a video of her enjoying a tasty burp cloth!
What do you want for Christmas, Lea?
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
She's quite the talker these days, as well. She always talks up a storm to Kevin when he gets home from work. I tried to catch it on video, but by the time I started recording, she was getting mad... see for yourself!
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's been an eventful week in the Thomas household. Lot's of firsts for little Lea! I am so Thankful for my family... especially for our perfect little girl. I can not image my life without her now!
I'll leave you with the following adorable pictures!
2 Months!
Lea continues to change every single day. She loves staring at lights... I can't wait to put our Christmas tree up. She is going to love it! She's getting so strong... holding her head up and putting weight on her legs. With just a little bit of help, she can practically stand up! Kevin plays 'airplane' with her (holding her up above himself) and she stays stretched out; looking straight ahead. She is still laughing and smiling all the time, too. I love that she wakes up every time with a huge smile!
Last week, we got Lea a 'Bumbo' seat. She's still a little too young for it, but by Christmas it will be perfect! Here's a video of her trying it out...
Four Years

Just eight weeks ago, our prayers were answered and we were blessed with an exceptional gift. A happy, healthy baby girl! The journey we traveled to receive that gift brought Kevin and I closer together and now our little Lea ties our bonds even more.
Here's to many more happy and exciting years together.
What We're Loving Now

Born Free Glass Bottles: These are the only bottles that little Lea will take. We love them because she doesn't dribble when drinking from them!
Aden + Anais Muslin Blankets: Thanks to Lea's Uncle Dave & Aunt Sarah, she received a pack of these when she was born. At that time, I thought they were HUGE. These days, though, they are perfect for swaddling Lea. She sleeps so soundly when swaddled in these super soft & stretchy blankets. They are thin, too so I don't have to worry about her getting to warm.

Svan High Chair: Lea started sitting in her Svan chair a few weeks ago and it has quickly become one of her favorite places to play. We drag it all around the house... in the kitchen when we're cooking, in the dining room at dinner time and in the living room when we're just hanging out. (note: we haven't started solids, yet. she just really likes to sit up right and see everything that's going on... the Svan chair is the perfect height!)
Smiling and Laughing
(This isn't the best picture... but you can sure see her beautiful smile!)
And, here's a video that is super dark, but you can hear her silly laugh. It's the best sound in the world!
We've been doing some 'tummy time' these days, too. Lea does great. She is such a strong little girl... but, I knew that before she was even born.
Happy Halloween!
It was an eventful week for Lea. Not only did she 'enjoy' her first Halloween and turn 6 weeks old on the same day, but we also introduced the bottle and pacifier. We have tried several different bottles, including Avent, Dr. Browns and Playtex Drop-Ins. Her favorite one, by far, though is the glass Born Free bottle (thanks, Melissa & Rob!!!). We also gave her a pacifier this past week. At first, she spit it out so fast is flew across the room! After a few more tries, she got the hang of it.
Lea is growing so fast (I can't say that enough!). She is super alert these days and smiles all the time. I haven't been able to get a good picture of her smile, though. Every time I get the camera out, her face turns into a blank stare. I'll get it on film one day! She loves her floor gym and we think she has actually started to try and reach for things. We got a little floor mirror for her and she loves to look at herself, too. It's so much fun to see what new things she learns every day!
Growing and growing
We also learned that she has reflux. I am so glad we found out early in the game! Poor thing would get fussy after about 10 minutes of nursing and I didn't know why. Now we can give her some medicine (Zantac in liquid form) to help her feel better. Other than that, she is as healthy as can be! We were told to start giving Lea 'tummy time' which we tried yesterday for the first time. She was amazing (of course), holding her head up and looking around!
Here she is, smiling, while we waited for the pediatrician.
Yesterday, my mom came up and we took Lea to the movies with us to see Where the Wild Things Are. It was a very cute movie and Lea did great. She slept in her Serena and Lilly Market Sling while I held a burp cloth over her ears to muffle the sound.
Tomorrow we are going to try a bottle for the first time. The pediatrician feels confidant that this is perfect timing to try it.
4 weeks old!
Last week, the kids (our nieces and nephew) came over to meet Lea. They were just enamored by her and couldn't stop looking at her! Lilly, who is four, came over to me and said, "Jessie, I really like your new baby." Precious!
We had an exciting day yesterday. We decided to venture out with Lea (and not have one of us wait in the car with her this time). Once we arrived at BabiesRUs, I put Lea into her new Serena & Lily Market Sling. She slept soundly the entire time. It was nice to get out of the house... even if we were looking at baby stuff!
Not only does Lea love the Market Sling, she also LOVES her lillebaby EuroTote. That thing has been a life saver. She loves to be snuggled up inside the tote. I love that I can easily carry her around the house & place her down without disturbing her.
I will leave you with this adorable video of Lea. Notice how aware she is of the toys and the little throaty grunts she makes... my baby is a genious! :P