Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail
Happy Easter! We've had gorgeous weather this weekend... perfect for celebrating at church, Easter egg hunts and munching marshmallow chicks.
Yesterday we got Lea a sand box table for the back yard. She has had a blast playing in the sand. It has a little hole in the center for an umbrella so I hope to get one for it this summer. This morning, after an almost sleepless night, we got up to see what the Easter bunny left for Lea. She was happy to find a basket filled with books, shoes, Raisenetts, marshmallow candy and the adorable crocheted bunny that I made for her. :)
Then Gaga came up and we headed to church. Lea was pretty sleepy and fell asleep before it was over. After church, we went down to the other Gaga and Papa's house where we met up with Lea's cousins. She always has a blast running around trying to keep up with them! A yummy lunch of grilled burgers & dogs, strawberry shortcake for dessert, dying a few hard boiled Easter eggs, Easter themed crafts and a really fun egg hunt in the back yard ended our busy day. ;) The kids eggs were filled with coins ($0.05$0.10 & $0.25 each). Lea really liked opening the eggs to find the coins and yelled "MONEY!" every time. Hahaha! She also got some mini M&M's which she couldn't get enough of.
Sleeping in church. :) |
Easter egg hunt! |
Lea and her cousins. |
It's a Zoo out there!
Lea had a blast running around with Keat. She explored everything and was very interested in the different animals. Her favorites were the turtles and the chimps. (my favorite is always the chimps!)
Lea is becoming quite the polite little girl. She says, "Dah-doo" for thank you when I ask her to... but the past couple days, she has actually said "thank you" when I didn't even have to prompt her to! As always, she says "MEeee!" for please and says it ALL the time. It's pretty funny because she walks around pointing at things saying, "Me.....Meee....MEEEE!", as in "Can I have it, please? Please?? PLEASE!!?" lol
Almost 19 Months!
Just a quick update on my almost-19-month-old-going-on-3-year-old daughter, Lea...
She is becoming quite the individual! These days, she is figuring out that she has opinions... and she's voicing them.
I let her choose what shoes she wants to wear (she can pick between two b/c the child has more shoes than Kevin and I put together!).
She still loves her bed/crib. Instead of trying to escape her crib, she often tries to climb INTO it. When I go up to get her in the mornings, I ask if she's ready to get up... and usually, she says no with a huge grin and buries herself deep into her pile of prized blankies (yes, she has several blankies... 6 to be exact, however only one is her very favorite). After a few more minutes, she's finally ready to face the day.
She has two top molars that are practically all the way out. No signs of anymore, though. However, yesterday and today she has had a low-grade fever and she did when those top molars appeared, too. Hopefully the bottom ones will get here soon!
She is trying to say a lot more words recently. So many that I can't count them all. Some of her "favorites" are...
Rye-eee (her friend, Ryan)
No (usually said very mater-of-factly, not in a mean way)
Go (usually said w/ a pointed finger, as in "Go away")
HEY! (always said in a cheery, but load voice!)
Pap-eee (pacifier... only at bed/nap time!)
Bup (up)
Mil (milk)
Buh (book)
Today she was upset at me for something and stormed off to the stairs. Wanting to give her some space, I kept my distance hoping she'd cool off. I listened to her cry/fuss when I realized she had gone all the way to the top of the stairs. I started going up the stairs to see where she was going. Her cries were now coming from her room so I headed that way.... when all of a sudden, she slammed the door shut! lol
It is so hard to believe that my baby girl will be TWO YEARS old in less than 6 months. I am soaking up every minute, the good and the bad, as I know it will be gone before too long.
She is becoming quite the individual! These days, she is figuring out that she has opinions... and she's voicing them.
I let her choose what shoes she wants to wear (she can pick between two b/c the child has more shoes than Kevin and I put together!).
She still loves her bed/crib. Instead of trying to escape her crib, she often tries to climb INTO it. When I go up to get her in the mornings, I ask if she's ready to get up... and usually, she says no with a huge grin and buries herself deep into her pile of prized blankies (yes, she has several blankies... 6 to be exact, however only one is her very favorite). After a few more minutes, she's finally ready to face the day.
She has two top molars that are practically all the way out. No signs of anymore, though. However, yesterday and today she has had a low-grade fever and she did when those top molars appeared, too. Hopefully the bottom ones will get here soon!
She is trying to say a lot more words recently. So many that I can't count them all. Some of her "favorites" are...
Rye-eee (her friend, Ryan)
No (usually said very mater-of-factly, not in a mean way)
Go (usually said w/ a pointed finger, as in "Go away")
HEY! (always said in a cheery, but load voice!)
Pap-eee (pacifier... only at bed/nap time!)
Bup (up)
Mil (milk)
Buh (book)
Today she was upset at me for something and stormed off to the stairs. Wanting to give her some space, I kept my distance hoping she'd cool off. I listened to her cry/fuss when I realized she had gone all the way to the top of the stairs. I started going up the stairs to see where she was going. Her cries were now coming from her room so I headed that way.... when all of a sudden, she slammed the door shut! lol
It is so hard to believe that my baby girl will be TWO YEARS old in less than 6 months. I am soaking up every minute, the good and the bad, as I know it will be gone before too long.
Lea and "Rye-eee" decorating Easter sugar cookies. |
Playing with my old "Fisher Price Play Family House"... she LOVES it! |
Granny Square Apron
Here's my latest, completed, crochet project. I think it's super cute!
I may have to make a smaller version for Lea. ;) If you're interested in trying to make one for yourself (it was pretty simple!),I found the idea/pattern on Tangled Happy.
Smoothies & Laptops Don't Mix
Obviously it's been awhile... sorry for that. Last week, Lea "cheersed" my large cup of berry smoothie while I wasn't looking and it spilled all over our laptop keyboard. Fun times! So, that's my excuse for not blogging recently (even though we also have a desk top computer...).
Anyway. I am still taking a photography course through the local community college. I love it! I have learned a ton. This Monday night we have our first field trip to photograph downtown at night. I can't wait!
Lea and I went to visit my old college roommate. She just had a beautiful baby girl and that was the perfect excuse to visit since we haven't seen each other in like 8 years! We had a blast catching up and bragging about our baby girls. :)
I finished another crochet project and have moved onto the next. (Pictures coming soon!) I am now working on a huge bunny for Lea's Easter basket. It's going to be about 21" long and I got a lovely pale purple yarn for it. I am about half way done.
Today we're spending the afternoon making Spiced Sugar cookies and decorating them in pretty pastels for Easter. Lea's little friend, Ryan, is coming over to help. 18 month olds helping to make cookies? Sure! Why not?! It should be a lot of fun with many opportunities for some nice pictures. :)
Anyway. I am still taking a photography course through the local community college. I love it! I have learned a ton. This Monday night we have our first field trip to photograph downtown at night. I can't wait!
Lea and I went to visit my old college roommate. She just had a beautiful baby girl and that was the perfect excuse to visit since we haven't seen each other in like 8 years! We had a blast catching up and bragging about our baby girls. :)
I finished another crochet project and have moved onto the next. (Pictures coming soon!) I am now working on a huge bunny for Lea's Easter basket. It's going to be about 21" long and I got a lovely pale purple yarn for it. I am about half way done.
Today we're spending the afternoon making Spiced Sugar cookies and decorating them in pretty pastels for Easter. Lea's little friend, Ryan, is coming over to help. 18 month olds helping to make cookies? Sure! Why not?! It should be a lot of fun with many opportunities for some nice pictures. :)
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