There's a fabulous new baby shop in downtown Apex, NC called GreenPea Nursery. If you're in the area and haven't been, you need to check it out! They have a fabulous selection of natural and eco-friendly products for baby. Everything from clothes to toys to furniture and strollers.
Mom and I were in the store yesterday chatting with the owner, Krista Cathey. She started the store on-line and was so happy with the results that she opened the brick & mortar location in December 2008. I am glad the business is doing so well because our area needs an eco-friendly destination for children's products. Not only that, but she also carries all of Scandinavian Child's excellent products! Svan, Anka, Cariboo, Micralite, lillebaby and Beaba
19 Weeks!
First of all, my belly seems to have substantially grown overnight! It is no longer 'giggly' like a beer belly, but is now much firmer (which is nice). Baby girl is now about 6 inches long from head to bottom... that's half a foot! She weighs over 8 ounces and some research suggests that she can now hear me (and possibly others). Here's her size comparison pic for this week...
Things are still going well in the Thomas household. Kevin is super busy with school work. I am trying to convince him to take a semester off once this one is over. Our air conditioner is still broken... yes, it did not work over the weekend when we reached record temperatures! We survived, though. It cools off pretty well at night so we keep the windows open from about 8pm to 8am. We are getting a new unit Wed. I am keeping busy going through baby clothes, organizing the closet and making the mobile for the nursery. I found a great template on-line! I am sewing little birds (about 10 of them) with funky fabrics and stuffing them. They will then hang from and sit on sticks and twigs from outside. I think it's going to be adorable! I will try to remember to take a pic of the ones I have sewn already.

Another busy day
Today was a good day... I am exhausted, though! It started out with a visit to a new Sunday School class. It was a small class with five other couples and they were very welcoming. After that, we headed home where Kevin studied and I began taping the walls in the nursery for the last stripe (green). We then headed to Kristin's second piano recital. She played solo and then a duet with her teacher. She did so well! It reminded me of my days playing the piano when I was her age. We came home and painted the last stripe in the nursery... cleaned around the house a little... then had a fabulous dinner on the patio. We made a new, delicious salad with feta cheese, yellow peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. The dressing was made with extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, garlic and mint. YUM! It was so refreshing; the flavors just burst in your mouth. Kevin grilled fillets wrapped in bacon (they were on sale for $4 each at Food Lion!).
So, back to the nursery... we have finished the walls. Just need to re-paint the wood trim and doors and we're done! Here's what the walls look like now:

I just love it! Once the white furniture, the adorable bedding and decorations are in there, it will look fabulous!
So, back to the nursery... we have finished the walls. Just need to re-paint the wood trim and doors and we're done! Here's what the walls look like now:

Only 150 days?!
In approximately 150 days Kevin and I will have a new baby girl!!! CRAZY! Even though this is something we have wanted for a very long time and it took a long time to achieve, it still scares me a little! We are both big planners, though, and are really enjoying these few months to just plan (probably me more so than Kevin!). We are accumulating lots of baby stuff... clothes, shoes, blankets, bibs, carriers, high chair, bedding, bouncer, pack-n-play, diaper bags, monitor, diapers, etc... and, thankfully, a lot of it was free or very cheap! I can't wait to pull everything out of the closet and lay it all out once we finish painting the nursery (this weekend or next).
The weather is finally getting warm, if not hot, this weekend. I am very happy about that! The only problem is that our air conditioning unit is broken. Nice. But, someone should be out in the next few days to replace it (watch... then it will get cold, again!). I think the neighborhood pool opens soon and I plan on being there a lot this summer!
Things are going well for us right now. I can't believe I am almost half way through this pregnancy already. It amazes me every single day when I feel Baby Girl squirming around in there. I am a MOMMY!!!
The weather is finally getting warm, if not hot, this weekend. I am very happy about that! The only problem is that our air conditioning unit is broken. Nice. But, someone should be out in the next few days to replace it (watch... then it will get cold, again!). I think the neighborhood pool opens soon and I plan on being there a lot this summer!
Things are going well for us right now. I can't believe I am almost half way through this pregnancy already. It amazes me every single day when I feel Baby Girl squirming around in there. I am a MOMMY!!!
geee these diapers are so cute...
And they are much better for the environment than disposables. I just love gDiapers and can not wait to try them out!
gDiapers, which stands for green diapers, consist of a washable, cotton outer cover and a plastic-free flushable diaper refill. They are made of breathable material just like sports clothing. So, babies stay dry and happy and are far less likely to get diaper rash. Check out their site to see how the inserts can be flushed (or how quickly they break down when tossed). They have great little "starter kits" and lots of fun and cute patterns.

How can you resist these cute little bums??? I hope they don't disappoint because baby girl Thomas will be so adorable with these on under her dresses!
gDiapers, which stands for green diapers, consist of a washable, cotton outer cover and a plastic-free flushable diaper refill. They are made of breathable material just like sports clothing. So, babies stay dry and happy and are far less likely to get diaper rash. Check out their site to see how the inserts can be flushed (or how quickly they break down when tossed). They have great little "starter kits" and lots of fun and cute patterns.

How can you resist these cute little bums??? I hope they don't disappoint because baby girl Thomas will be so adorable with these on under her dresses!
18 Weeks!
I am now 18 weeks pregnant. Time seems to be flying by these days. I can not believe it's almost May!
Baby girl Thomas is over 5 inches long now and weighs about 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs (which I am definitely feeling!). It's quite reassuring to feel her rolling around in there...especially right before bed when she seems to always give a final kick goodnight! Here's the size comparison pic for this week:

We had a fun and busy weekend. The weather was beautiful! Saturday morning we got up early for the neighborhood yard sale. Since it was so nice out, there was a lot of traffic. We got rid of so much junk! After that, Kevin and I headed to the NCSU Red & White football game. When we got home, I took a nice nap on the sofa! Sunday we painted a little more in the nursery. (added a pale, butter yellow stripe, about an inch thick, above the brown. next weekend we'll add the sage stripe.) We visited with my sister-in-law and finally told the kids I was pregnant. They were so excited! Much more so than I thought they would be. It was fun to show them the ultrasound pictures. Ross, who is 4, put his head up to my belly to try to hear the baby. He even said if I opened my mouth, "maybe we could hear her crying in there!" :) Kristin, who is 8, kept finding baby doll clothes to give me and she said, "I don't think I can wait five more months!" I told her I couldn't wait, either. Lilly, who is 3, kept asking why I was having a "raccoon baby" (because that's what the ultrasound looked like to her). It was a lot of fun. When we left, Jill gave us three huge tubs of baby clothes. Do you know how much tiny baby clothes can fit in one big tub? A LOT! I went through them last night... there is so much cute stuff. Now we just have to find a place for it all.
Baby girl Thomas is over 5 inches long now and weighs about 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs (which I am definitely feeling!). It's quite reassuring to feel her rolling around in there...especially right before bed when she seems to always give a final kick goodnight! Here's the size comparison pic for this week:

We had a fun and busy weekend. The weather was beautiful! Saturday morning we got up early for the neighborhood yard sale. Since it was so nice out, there was a lot of traffic. We got rid of so much junk! After that, Kevin and I headed to the NCSU Red & White football game. When we got home, I took a nice nap on the sofa! Sunday we painted a little more in the nursery. (added a pale, butter yellow stripe, about an inch thick, above the brown. next weekend we'll add the sage stripe.) We visited with my sister-in-law and finally told the kids I was pregnant. They were so excited! Much more so than I thought they would be. It was fun to show them the ultrasound pictures. Ross, who is 4, put his head up to my belly to try to hear the baby. He even said if I opened my mouth, "maybe we could hear her crying in there!" :) Kristin, who is 8, kept finding baby doll clothes to give me and she said, "I don't think I can wait five more months!" I told her I couldn't wait, either. Lilly, who is 3, kept asking why I was having a "raccoon baby" (because that's what the ultrasound looked like to her). It was a lot of fun. When we left, Jill gave us three huge tubs of baby clothes. Do you know how much tiny baby clothes can fit in one big tub? A LOT! I went through them last night... there is so much cute stuff. Now we just have to find a place for it all.
Busy day today
We started the day with an early morning yard sale. It was so nice to get rid of some of the junk we had...and get money for it! Since it was a 'neighborhood yard sale', Mom and I walked around to other houses. We ended up getting a ton of really nice baby clothes for less than $10! I also got Kevin a back pack baby carrier for only $5. He wasn't thrilled about it at first, but then he tried it on, looked in the mirror and said "I could carry a baby in this." (it's the kind you take hiking, so I am looking forward to taking the baby and Bailey to Umstead Park next Spring.)
After the yard sale, we quickly got ready for the NCSU Red & White football game. It was so hot outside, but we found seats in the shade. Beautiful day today! We left the game and headed home... which is when I passed out on the sofa for about an hour or so. Finally, got motivated to do some laundry (had to wash all my new baby clothes!) and now I am going to bed.
Good night!
p.s. Baby girl is still movin' and shakin' in there! I am noticing it more and more!
After the yard sale, we quickly got ready for the NCSU Red & White football game. It was so hot outside, but we found seats in the shade. Beautiful day today! We left the game and headed home... which is when I passed out on the sofa for about an hour or so. Finally, got motivated to do some laundry (had to wash all my new baby clothes!) and now I am going to bed.
Good night!
p.s. Baby girl is still movin' and shakin' in there! I am noticing it more and more!
...and kicking!!!
So, now that I know what it feels like, I am feeling baby girl kick more and more! It is the strangest (and coolest) feeling. Last night, I felt her while sitting on the sofa and today, I have been feeling her while sitting at my desk! It feels like she's in there just swimming around, bumping into a wall, then flipping over and bumping into another wall.
Baby Girl is kicking!
Last Sat. night I was laying in bed watching t.v. While on my back, I placed my hand on my lower abdomen with a little pressure. After about five minutes, I thought I felt the baby! It was a very quick, light 'THUMP'. I waited a few more minutes a felt it, again! So, I yelled for Kevin to come try and he thinks he felt it, too.
Last night, I did the same thing before I went to sleep and I think I felt it, yet again! I mentioned this to my doctor yesterday and he said it was very possible and not to early to feel something. :)
Last night, I did the same thing before I went to sleep and I think I felt it, yet again! I mentioned this to my doctor yesterday and he said it was very possible and not to early to feel something. :)
Look at our 17 week ultrasound!
(listen carefully to the doctor say it's a "chick" and my reaction... funny!)
Listen to our baby's heartbeat!
(now, you can see for yourself that I am not making up our crazy doctor!)
Oh, Boy?
We went to the doctor's today and listened to the baby's heartbeat. Everything sounded great! Before the doc left, I asked if he had time to do an ultrasound. (Now, let me start by telling you our doctor has a very interesting sense of humor!) As he turned to me with a look on his face like "Really?!", he raised his hand and scratched his cheek with his middle finger! YUP... my doctor just flipped me the bird!!! He laughed and said, "Of course, let's go!" So, as the doctor explained what we were looking at (the head, heart, hand, fingers, rib cage, legs, spine, etc.), I asked "How is he laying in there?" The doctor quickly answered, "It's not a HE... it's a CHICK!" Knowing his sense of humor I thought he was joking... nope... IT's A GIRL! And here's a pic to prove it...

Here's the back (spine) & an arm waiving HI!
17 Weeks!
So, today I am 17 weeks pregnant. Baby Thomas is getting bigger & bigger (and so is my belly!). This week, he weighs about 5 ounces and is about 5 inches long. He's starting to move his joints and his sweat glands are starting to develop. Here's the size comparison pic for this week...

(that's a turnip, for those that didn't know!) My next doctor's appt. is tomorrow afternoon. We will hear the heartbeat, again and possibly get to see the baby...which means, we might find out if it's a boy or girl! I'll make sure Kevin practices with the camera tonight so we don't miss a thing this time! :)
Kevin & I are doing great. We've been busy working around the house. We are making a decision soon about our air-conditioner (either getting a new one or fixing the old one we have). We're also looking into getting new carpet in the house which I am thrilled about! My "nesting" instincts are kicking in so I want everything to be as clean as possible for this new baby. :P

(that's a turnip, for those that didn't know!) My next doctor's appt. is tomorrow afternoon. We will hear the heartbeat, again and possibly get to see the baby...which means, we might find out if it's a boy or girl! I'll make sure Kevin practices with the camera tonight so we don't miss a thing this time! :)
Kevin & I are doing great. We've been busy working around the house. We are making a decision soon about our air-conditioner (either getting a new one or fixing the old one we have). We're also looking into getting new carpet in the house which I am thrilled about! My "nesting" instincts are kicking in so I want everything to be as clean as possible for this new baby. :P
I ordered some Seventh Generation diapers on the other day because they are having an 'Earth Day' sale this month. Well, they arrived today.
Look! Our first (of many) diapers!!!

Painting the nursery...
Today we finally started painting the nursery. It looks fabulous! My first idea was to have a white chair rail with this nice, chocolate brown color underneith. Well, now I am thinking about forgetting the chair rail and painting a sage green stripe above the brown instead. I can picture it and I think it would look really nice... it would coordinate with the bedding so well! I am getting excited just describing it!!!
Here's a before and after pic:

And here's a pic with the blanket from our bedding set.
(see the light green stripe above the brown!?)

Win it! on
One of my favorite baby blogs is Cool Mom Picks. They do great product reviews and have a give away every single day! The give away today is for a $75 gift certificate to Zutano's new Itzy Bitzy Boutique (really cute baby clothes).
So, go to Cool Mom Picks today and enter to win before midnight. Good luck!
So, go to Cool Mom Picks today and enter to win before midnight. Good luck!
'Fill in the Blankie'
I came across this site on-line and thought it was the cutest thing! What a great way to personalize a blankie for baby. They have several blanket styles and colors to choose from and seem to be pretty affordable. This would obviously make a great gift for a new baby, but also for birthdays, baptisms, Christmas, even Easter.
Once you choose the style and color blanket, you can create what each side of the blanket will say (it's embroidered around the edge). Then, you even choose a font and color of the font. So many choices! The only thing the site doesn't offer is a preview of your personalized blankie, so make sure everything is correct before you order!

Once you choose the style and color blanket, you can create what each side of the blanket will say (it's embroidered around the edge). Then, you even choose a font and color of the font. So many choices! The only thing the site doesn't offer is a preview of your personalized blankie, so make sure everything is correct before you order!

16 Weeks!
Today I am exactly 4 months pregnant. And to celebrate, a few girlfriends and I got $10 lawn tickets to see NKOTB on June 3rd! :)
So... this week Baby Thomas is growing toenails and the pattern of his hairline is taking shape. He is also pumping 25 quarts of blood each day. In the next couple of weeks, he will double in weight! Right now, he's the size of an avocado and weighs about 3.5 ounces.

As for me, I am feeling great. I finally have my energy back so I no longer need to go to bed at 9pm. My tummy continues to get larger and hopefully I'll be able to feel the baby move in a couple weeks! We finished cleaning out the old office this past weekend. It took a lot of work! We are getting rid of the large computer desk because we have turned one of the guest bedroom closets into the new office! Yup...we now have our computer, file cabinet, a lamp, and all other office stuff in the closet. It actually works pretty well. When not in use, we can just close the doors and hide the mess. I guess the next project will be to paint the nursery. We'll put up a white chair rail and paint a nice, chocolate brown underneath. I think it will be beautiful with white furniture! The bedding we have is by Kidsline and it's called "Willow" . How adorable is that?!?! I am also planning on painting a couple wall art pieces to match. We'll see how that goes!
So... this week Baby Thomas is growing toenails and the pattern of his hairline is taking shape. He is also pumping 25 quarts of blood each day. In the next couple of weeks, he will double in weight! Right now, he's the size of an avocado and weighs about 3.5 ounces.

As for me, I am feeling great. I finally have my energy back so I no longer need to go to bed at 9pm. My tummy continues to get larger and hopefully I'll be able to feel the baby move in a couple weeks! We finished cleaning out the old office this past weekend. It took a lot of work! We are getting rid of the large computer desk because we have turned one of the guest bedroom closets into the new office! Yup...we now have our computer, file cabinet, a lamp, and all other office stuff in the closet. It actually works pretty well. When not in use, we can just close the doors and hide the mess. I guess the next project will be to paint the nursery. We'll put up a white chair rail and paint a nice, chocolate brown underneath. I think it will be beautiful with white furniture! The bedding we have is by Kidsline and it's called "Willow" . How adorable is that?!?! I am also planning on painting a couple wall art pieces to match. We'll see how that goes!
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